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Pothos Yellow Leaves in Water: Common Reasons and Remedies | The Urban Gardener

a pothos plant in water with yellowing leaves
Hdenson - Photo Credits - R/Pothos

Are you noticing your Pothos leaves turning yellow while in water? This is a common issue, often indicating the plant is undergoing stress. In this article, we'll take an comprehensive look at why overwatering or underwatering might be the culprits and what other factors could contribute to this problem.

From revealing various causes of discoloration to offering practical solutions for correcting these issues, we've got everything covered to help bring back your Pothos' vibrant green hues!

Key Takeaways

  • Pothos leaves can turn yellow in water due to underwatering, overwatering, improper watering, nutrient deficiency, and aging leaves.

  • To fix yellow pothos leaves, adjust your watering routine, ensure proper drainage, check soil moisture levels regularly, provide adequate light exposure, and prune yellow leaves.

  • Preventive measures to keep pothos leaves healthy include using proper watering techniques, well - draining soil, maintaining appropriate humidity levels, ensuring sufficient light exposure, and regularly inspecting for pests or diseases.

Common Causes of Pothos Leaves Turning Yellow

Pothos leaves can turn yellow due to underwatering, overwatering, improper watering, nutrient deficiency, and aging leaves.


Underwatering is a risk when caring for your beloved pothos plant. Just like overwatering, not giving enough hydration to the plant leads to yellow leaves and weak growth. The tropical nature of pothos requires consistent moisture without waterlogging.

If you notice dry, shriveled leaves or leaf drop alongside yellow discoloration, these can be signs of inadequate watering. Pothos plants are more forgiving towards underwatering compared to soaking in excess moisture but that doesn't mean they can thrive on neglect.

Regularly check soil dampness and establish a watering routine based on the specific needs of your plant's environment - considering factors such as humidity levels and light exposure - resulting in vibrant green foliage instead of wilted yellows!


Overwatering is the leading cause of pothos leaves turning yellow. When you give your plant too much water, it can drown its roots and prevent them from getting the necessary oxygen they need to thrive.

This leads to root rot, which can manifest as yellowing leaves. Additionally, overwatering can also damage the cell walls in the plant, resulting in yellow foliage. To fix this issue, make sure to adjust your watering routine and allow the soil to dry out between waterings.

Remember that it's better to underwater rather than overwater your pothos plant!

Improper watering

Overwatering or underwatering your pothos plant can lead to yellow leaves. Too much water can cause root rot and damage the cell walls of the plant, resulting in wilting and yellowing leaves.

On the other hand, not providing enough water can leave your plant dehydrated and also lead to leaf discoloration. It's important to find a balance and ensure that you are watering your pothos properly to keep its leaves healthy and vibrant.

Nutrient deficiency

Nutrient deficiency is another potential cause of yellowing leaves in pothos plants. When the plant lacks essential nutrients like nitrogen, it can't carry out vital processes, leading to discoloration.

To address this issue, you can use liquid fertilizer specifically formulated for houseplants to provide the necessary nutrients. Remember to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package and avoid over-fertilizing, as this can harm your pothos plant.

Keeping a balanced nutrient supply will promote healthy growth and prevent yellowing leaves in your beloved pothos.

Aging leaves

As pothos plants age, their leaves naturally turn yellow and eventually fall off. This is a normal process that occurs as older leaves deteriorate and make way for new growth. It's important to distinguish between aging leaves and those turning yellow due to other factors like overwatering or nutrient deficiency.

While aging leaves cannot be prevented, you can ensure overall plant health by maintaining proper watering, light levels, and providing adequate nutrition for your pothos plant.

How to Fix Yellow Pothos Leaves

To fix yellow Pothos leaves, adjust your watering routine, ensure proper drainage, check soil moisture levels, provide adequate light, and prune yellow leaves.

Adjust watering routine

To fix yellow pothos leaves, take the following steps to adjust your watering routine:

  1. Monitor soil moisture levels regularly.

  2. Water the pothos plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

  3. Use room temperature water to avoid shocking the roots.

  4. Allow excess water to drain out from the pot.

  5. Avoid overwatering by ensuring that the pot has drainage holes.

  6. Adjust watering frequency based on humidity levels and temperature in your home.

  7. Be mindful not to underwater the plant either, as this can also cause yellowing leaves.

Ensure proper drainage

To keep your pothos plant healthy and prevent yellowing leaves, it's important to ensure proper drainage. This means using well-draining soil and pots with drainage holes. Proper drainage allows excess water to escape, preventing root rot and other issues that can lead to yellow leaves.

By providing a way for water to flow out of the pot, you'll help maintain the right moisture levels for your pothos plant and minimize the risk of overwatering. Remember, a happy pothos is one that has access to oxygenated roots and avoids sitting in stagnant water.

Check soil moisture levels

To keep your pothos leaves healthy and prevent them from turning yellow, it's crucial to check the moisture levels of the soil. Proper soil moisture is essential for the overall health of your plant.

Too much water can lead to overwatering, causing root rot and yellowing leaves. On the other hand, insufficient water can result in underwatering, leading to dehydration and stress for your pothos.

By regularly checking the soil moisture levels using your finger or a moisture meter, you can ensure that your plant is receiving the right amount of hydration it needs to thrive. Adjusting watering routines accordingly will help keep those vibrant green leaves looking their best.

Provide adequate light

Adequate light is crucial for maintaining the health of your pothos plant. Insufficient light can cause the leaves to turn yellow and become weak. Place your pothos in a well-lit area where it can receive bright, indirect sunlight.

Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can scorch the leaves. If you don't have access to natural light, you can also use artificial grow lights to provide sufficient illumination for your plant.

Remember that each type of pothos may have different lighting requirements, so it's important to research and understand the specific needs of your particular variety.

To ensure proper light exposure, regularly check on your pothos and make adjustments if necessary. Rotate the pot every few weeks to allow all sides of the plant to receive equal amounts of sunlight.

This will prevent one side from becoming leggy or reaching towards the light source while leaving other parts in shade.

Prune yellow leaves

To fix yellow pothos leaves, it is important to prune the affected leaves. Pruning helps in removing any damaged or diseased leaves, allowing the plant to focus its energy on healthier growth.

Preventive Measures to Keep Pothos Leaves Healthy

Proper watering techniques, well-draining soil, appropriate humidity levels, sufficient light exposure, and regular pest inspection are all essential for maintaining healthy Pothos leaves.

Proper watering techniques

To keep your pothos leaves from turning yellow, it's important to follow proper watering techniques. Here are some tips to help you maintain the correct moisture levels for your plant:

  1. Water your pothos thoroughly until water drains out of the drainage holes.

  2. Allow the soil to dry out slightly before watering again. Stick your finger about an inch into the soil – if it feels dry, it's time to water.

  3. Avoid overwatering by checking the soil moisture regularly. Pothos plants prefer moist but not soggy soil.

  4. If you're unsure about when to water, use a moisture meter to gauge the moisture levels in the soil.

  5. Consider using a well - draining potting mix that allows excess water to flow through easily.

  6. Remember that different environmental conditions may affect how often you need to water your pothos.

Use well-draining soil

To prevent yellowing leaves in your pothos plants, it's important to use well-draining soil. This type of soil allows excess water to flow out easily, preventing the roots from becoming waterlogged and susceptible to rot.

Well-draining soil helps maintain proper moisture levels for the plant, reducing the risk of overwatering or underwatering. It allows air to reach the roots and promotes healthy growth.

By using well-draining soil, you can create an optimal environment for your pothos plants and reduce the chances of yellow leaves caused by watering issues.

Maintain appropriate humidity levels

To keep your pothos plant leaves healthy and prevent them from turning yellow, it's important to maintain appropriate humidity levels. The ideal humidity range for pothos plants is between 40% and 60%.

A lack of humidity can cause the leaves to become dry and brittle, leading to yellowing. On the other hand, excessive humidity can create a damp environment that promotes fungal growth and root rot.

To maintain proper humidity levels, you can use a humidifier or place a tray of water near your plant to increase moisture in the air. Another option is misting the leaves with water regularly.

Ensure sufficient light exposure

To keep your pothos leaves healthy and prevent them from turning yellow, it's crucial to ensure that they receive sufficient light exposure. Pothos plants thrive in bright, indirect light, so placing them near a window or using artificial grow lights can help provide the right amount of light.

Insufficient light can lead to pale or yellowing leaves as the plant struggles to produce enough energy through photosynthesis. Remember to avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves.

By giving your pothos adequate light exposure, you'll not only promote vibrant green foliage but also contribute to its overall health and well-being.

Regularly inspect for pests or diseases

Regularly inspecting your pothos plants for pests or diseases is crucial in maintaining their health and preventing yellowing leaves. Here are some steps you can take to ensure your plants stay pest-free:

  1. Check the leaves: Look for signs of pests such as small insects, webs, or discoloration on the leaves. Pests like spider mites or aphids may cause damage that leads to yellowing leaves.

  2. Inspect the stems: Check the stems for any soft spots, holes, or unusual growths. These could be signs of disease or fungal infections that can contribute to leaf discoloration.

  3. Examine the soil: Look out for any changes in the soil texture, smell, or presence of mold. These indicators can point to root rot or other diseases affecting your pothos plant.

  4. Remove affected areas: If you spot any pests or diseased parts, carefully remove them from the plant using clean pruning shears or scissors. This will prevent further spread and help your plant recover.

  5. Treat with appropriate methods: Depending on the type of pest or disease you find, choose the appropriate treatment method such as insecticidal soap for pests or a fungicide for fungal infections. Follow the instructions carefully when applying these treatments.

  6. Monitor regularly: Even after treating your plant, continue to monitor it regularly for any signs of recurring pests or diseases. Early detection is key to preventing severe damage and keeping your pothos leaves vibrant and healthy.


Why are the leaves of my pothos turning yellow in water?

The leaves of your pothos may be turning yellow in water due to overwatering, lack of nutrients, or improper watering techniques.

How can I fix the issue of yellow leaves on my pothos in water?

To fix the issue of yellow leaves on your pothos in water, make sure you are not overwatering and allow the soil to dry out between watering. Additionally, consider adding fertilizer or changing the type of water you use for irrigation.

Can I save my pothos if its leaves have turned completely yellow?

If all the leaves of your pothos have turned completely yellow, it may be difficult to save them. However, you can try trimming off the affected parts and improving your watering and care routine to encourage new growth.

What should I do if only a few leaves on my pothos are turning yellow in water?

If only a few leaves on your pothos are turning yellow in water, carefully examine their condition and check for any signs of pests or disease. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly and provide adequate light and proper drainage for optimal plant health.


In conclusion, understanding the reasons behind pothos leaves turning yellow in water is crucial to fixing the issue. By adjusting watering routines, providing proper drainage, and ensuring adequate light exposure, you can restore the health of your pothos plant.

Remember to regularly inspect for pests or diseases and maintain appropriate humidity levels to prevent further leaf discoloration. Happy gardening!

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