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How Fast Do Pothos Grow? Understanding the Growth Rate of this Houseplant | The Urban Gardener

a pothos growing fast
fuji91 - Photo Credits - R/houseplants

Are you curious about the growth rate of your Pothos plant and want to maximize its potential? Known for their rapid growth, Pothos can grow around 12 inches per month during peak growing seasons.

This article will delve into factors that impact the growth rate of this popular houseplant and offer tips on how to expedite it. Get ready for a green thumb!

Key Takeaways

  • Pothos plants can grow around 12 inches per month during peak growing seasons.

  • Factors like light exposure, watering and soil conditions, temperature and humidity levels, and nutrient availability impact the growth rate of Pothos plants.

  • In optimal conditions, Pothos plants can grow up to 10 - 15 feet in just one year.

  • To increase the growth rate of Pothos plants, provide adequate light, ensure proper watering and soil conditions, maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels, regularly fertilize the plant, and prune it to promote bushier growth.

Factors Affecting the Growth Rate of Pothos Plants

Proper light exposure, watering and soil conditions, temperature and humidity levels, and nutrient availability all play a role in influencing the growth rate of Pothos plants.

Proper light exposure

Pothos plants thrive in a variety of light conditions, including low light, but grow best with bright, indirect sunlight. They can adapt to rooms that don't receive a lot of natural light, yet will flourish when placed near windows where they get plenty of filtered sun rays.

Overexposure to direct sunlight could result in leaf burn or yellowing leaves due to excessive UV radiation; therefore it's important to maintain the right balance. Too much darkness may also slow down their growth and cause loss of variegation.

Light allows pothos plants to photosynthesize creating food for themselves and promoting healthy growth.

Watering and soil conditions

Proper watering and soil conditions play a crucial role in the growth rate of pothos plants. These plants prefer well-draining soil that retains some moisture but does not become waterlogged.

Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can cause stunted growth. It's essential to water your pothos plant thoroughly, allowing excess water to drain out of the pot's drainage holes.

Wait until the top inch or two of soil has dried out before watering again. Additionally, using a balanced fertilizer every few months can provide essential nutrients for healthy growth.

Maintaining optimal soil conditions is equally important for the growth of pothos plants. A good-quality potting mix with organic matter and perlite or vermiculite helps with proper drainage and aeration.

Avoid using heavy garden soils as they tend to compact in containers and impede root development. Regularly check the condition of your potting mix and repot your pothos plant into a larger container when needed, ensuring enough room for its roots to spread out comfortably.

Temperature and humidity levels

Proper temperature and humidity levels play a vital role in the growth of pothos plants. These plants thrive in temperatures between 60-85°F (15-29°C) and prefer moderate to high humidity levels.

When the temperature is too low, it can slow down their growth rate, while excessively hot conditions can cause stress. Pothos plants also benefit from higher humidity levels because it helps prevent their leaves from drying out and promotes healthy foliage.

By maintaining the right temperature and humidity, you can create an ideal environment for your pothos plant to grow at its best.

Nutrient availability

Nutrient availability plays a crucial role in the growth rate of pothos plants. These plants require a balanced diet of essential nutrients to thrive and grow rapidly. Fertilizing your pothos regularly with a well-balanced houseplant fertilizer will ensure that it receives the necessary nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

This will promote healthy leaf development, vibrant colors, and overall growth. However, be careful not to over-fertilize as it can lead to nutrient burn or other negative effects on the plant.

Providing adequate nutrient availability will help your pothos plants reach their full growth potential.

Average Growth Rate of Pothos Plants

Pothos plants have an impressive growth rate, especially when provided with optimal conditions. Curious to know just how fast they can grow? Keep reading to find out!

Growth rate in optimal conditions

In optimal conditions, pothos plants can exhibit incredible growth rates. Here, we discuss the potential growth of pothos in perfect conditions.

Light Exposure



Soil Conditions

Plant Size in One Year

Indirect, bright light

Between 70°F and 90°F

Once the top inch of soil dries out

Well-drained, rich in organic matter

10-15 feet in length

Direct sunlight

Over 90°F


Heavy clay soil

1-2 feet in length

As you can see, when pothos gets plenty of indirect sunlight, stays in a warm temperature, gets watered properly, and grows in well-drained soil rich in organic matter, it can grow up to 10-15 feet in just one year! On the other hand, direct sunlight, high temperature, excessive watering, and poor soil conditions can stunt the growth of your pothos, limiting it to only 1-2 feet per year. Therefore, maintaining optimal conditions is key to ensuring a fast growth rate for your pothos plant.

Growth rate in indoor settings

Pothos plants are known for their fast growth, but when grown indoors, their growth rate may slow down slightly. In optimal conditions, pothos can grow up to 10-15 feet in length and add about 12 to 18 inches of length each month during the growing season. However, when grown indoors, the growth rate typically reduces to around 1-2 feet per year. It takes a couple of years for an indoor pothos plant to reach a significant size in good growing conditions. Despite the slower growth rate indoors, pothos plants are still considered fast-growing houseplants that can thrive with proper care and attention.

Tips to Increase the Growth Rate of Pothos Plants

Provide adequate light, water, and nutrients to promote faster growth. Regularly prune the plant to encourage bushier growth. Read on for more tips on maximizing your Pothos plant's growth potential!

Provide adequate light

To ensure the fast and healthy growth of your pothos plants, it is crucial to provide them with adequate light. Pothos plants thrive in bright, indirect sunlight, so placing them near a window with filtered light or using artificial grow lights can help meet their lighting needs.

Adequate light is essential for photosynthesis, allowing the plant to produce energy and grow efficiently. Without enough light, pothos may become leggy and have smaller leaves. By providing the right amount of light, you can promote robust growth and vibrant foliage in your pothos plants.

Ensure proper watering and soil conditions

Proper watering and soil conditions are essential for the healthy growth of your pothos plants. Here are some tips to ensure you provide the best conditions for their growth:

  • Water your pothos plants when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

  • Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot and hinder growth.

  • Use a well - draining potting mix that retains moisture without becoming waterlogged.

  • Consider adding organic matter, such as compost or peat moss, to improve soil fertility.

  • Provide good drainage by using pots with drainage holes and ensuring excess water can flow away.

Maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels

To ensure the fast growth of your Pothos plants, it is crucial to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

  • Keep the temperature between 65-85°F (18-29°C), as Pothos plants thrive in a warm environment.

  • Avoid exposing your plants to extreme temperature fluctuations, as this can negatively impact their growth rate.

  • Provide adequate humidity by misting the leaves regularly or placing a humidifier nearby. Pothos plants prefer humidity levels around 50-70%.

Regularly fertilize the plant

To promote faster growth of your pothos plant, it is important to regularly fertilize it. By providing the plant with essential nutrients, you can help it thrive and reach its full potential.

Fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are especially beneficial for pothos plants. These nutrients support healthy foliage growth and overall plant development.

Remember to follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for proper application rates and frequency. With regular fertilization, your pothos will be able to grow stronger and more vibrant, adding beauty to your indoor space or garden.

Prune the plant to promote bushier growth

To promote bushier growth in your pothos plant, regular pruning is necessary. Trimming the plant encourages new branch growth and helps maintain a compact shape. You can prune by cutting back any overly long or leggy stems to encourage branching from the base of the plant.

Additionally, removing dead or yellowing leaves will also improve overall appearance and allow more energy to be directed towards new growth. Pruning every few months will help your pothos become fuller and more lush over time.


How fast do pothos plants really grow?

Pothos plants have a moderate growth rate and can typically grow several feet in a year under optimal conditions.

What factors affect the growth rate of pothos plants?

The growth rate of pothos plants is influenced by factors such as sunlight exposure, temperature, watering frequency, and soil quality.

How can I promote faster growth in my pothos plant?

To encourage faster growth in your pothos plant, provide it with bright indirect light, keep the temperature between 60-85°F (15-29°C), water it when the top inch of soil feels dry, and use well-draining soil enriched with organic matter.

Can I control the size of my pothos plant's growth?

Yes, you can control the size of your pothos plant's growth by pruning or trimming specific stems or vines to maintain its desired shape and prevent excessive spreading.


Pothos plants may not break any speed records, but they still grow at an impressive rate. Whether grown indoors or outdoors, these plants can add around 12 inches to their length each month during the growing season.

With the right care and conditions, pothos plants can thrive and reach their full potential in just a few years. So if you're looking for a houseplant that offers both beauty and growth, give pothos a try!

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