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How to Make Your Ficus Tree Bushy: Tips for Promoting Full Growth

a thriving bushy ficus tree due to proper care requirements
DenesFeri - Wikimedia Commons

You love your ficus plant, but it just isn't as lush and bushy as you want. The key is pruning - an essential practice that can encourage branching and yield thicker foliage in your beloved houseplant.

This blog provides easy-to-follow advice on how to prune your ficus for a fuller, healthier appearance. Let's get snipping and transform your ficus into a dense green wonder!

Key Takeaways

  • Pruning a ficus plant promotes the growth of side shoots, increasing leaf coverage and creating a fuller, bushier appearance.

  • Removing the growth tip stimulates new branches and encourages a denser foliage on your ficus plant.

  • Taking node cuttings and notching the stem are effective techniques to promote branching and increase density in your ficus plant.

  • Using cloning paste can stimulate root and shoot growth for a fuller, bushier look.


Table of Contents:


Benefits of Pruning a Ficus Plant for Bushiness

Pruning a ficus plant for bushiness offers several benefits. It promotes the growth of side shoots, increasing leaf coverage and creating a fuller, more visually appealing appearance to the plant.

Promotes growth of side shoots

Pruning a ficus plant is the key to unlocking its full potential for refreshing greenery. It encourages the development of side shoots that result in thicker foliage and, therefore, a bushier appearance. After pruning a ficus plant consider repotting into a suitable pot to promote stronger roots for a bushier ficus plant.

By snipping down the top or 'growth tip' of your rubber plant to a desired height, you signal the plant to focus growth efforts on new branches rather than vertical elongation. Side shoots spring from these nodes or growing points around existing branches.

This process not only enhances the visual appeal but also contributes positively towards overall plant health by allowing more efficient light distribution across leaves during photosynthesis.

Further increasing leaf coverage helps create an environment with increased humidity - proving beneficial for most houseplants like ficus plants that thrive in moist conditions.

Increases leaf coverage

Pruning your ficus plant not only promotes the growth of side shoots but also increases leaf coverage. This means that by trimming back certain branches, you can create a denser foliage on your plant.

More leaves will sprout and fill in any gaps, giving your ficus a fuller and lusher appearance. With increased leaf coverage, your plant will look more vibrant and healthy, enhancing the overall beauty of your indoor space.

So don't be afraid to trim away some excess branches to boost the leafiness of your ficus plant!

Creates a fuller, bushier appearance

Regular pruning of a ficus plant not only promotes growth of side shoots and increases leaf coverage, but it also creates a fuller, bushier appearance. By carefully trimming the plant's branches and encouraging new growth, you can ensure that your ficus looks lush and dense.

Keep in mind that using clean, sharp scissors for pruning is essential to avoid damaging the plant. With proper care and regular pruning, your ficus will thrive and have a beautiful, full-bodied look.

Pruning Techniques for a Bushier Ficus Plant

To achieve a bushier ficus plant, there are several essential pruning techniques to consider, such as removing the growth tip, taking node cuttings, notching the stem, and using cloning paste.

Removing the growth tip

To make your ficus plant bushy, you can start by removing the growth tip. This technique stimulates the growth of side shoots and helps create a fuller, bushier appearance. It is recommended to use clean, sharp scissors for this task to prevent rot or wilting/dying new growth.

Taking node cuttings

To make your ficus plant bushier, you can also try taking node cuttings. This method involves cutting a section of the stem just below a leaf node, which is where new growth can emerge. By snipping off a node cutting and planting it in moist soil or water, you can encourage the growth of new branches and increase the density of your ficus plant. Node cuttings are a great way to propagate your ficus plant and promote bushiness.

Notching the stem

Notching the stem is another effective technique to make your ficus plant bushier.

Here's how you can do it:

  1. Make a small, shallow cut on the stem just above a leaf node.

  2. The cut should be about 1/4 inch deep and angled upwards.

  3. This process encourages the growth of new shoots at that node, resulting in a fuller and bushier appearance.

  4. You can notch multiple stems at different heights to create a layered effect and increase density.

  5. Ensure that you use clean, sharp pruning shears to make precise cuts.

  6. Remember to sanitize your tools before and after notching to prevent the spread of diseases.

Using cloning paste

To promote bushiness in your ficus plant, you can consider using cloning paste. This special paste helps to stimulate the growth of roots and new shoots at the site where it is applied.

By applying cloning paste to the pruned areas of your ficus plant, you can encourage faster and more abundant growth, resulting in a fuller and bushier appearance. Don't forget to follow the instructions on the cloning paste packaging for best results.

Considerations and Precautions for Pruning a Ficus

When pruning a ficus plant, it is essential to consider the proper timing for pruning, as doing so at the wrong time can negatively impact its growth. Additionally, dealing with sap that may ooze from cut branches and ensuring good care after pruning are important precautions to take for a successful outcome.

Proper timing for pruning

Pruning the ficus plant at the right time is crucial for promoting bushiness. The best time to prune a ficus is during its active growing season, which is typically in spring or early summer.

Pruning during this time allows the plant to recover quickly and encourages new growth. Avoid pruning during winter when the plant may be dormant, as it can hinder its ability to bounce back.

By timing your pruning correctly, you give your ficus plants the best chance of becoming full and bushy.

Dealing with sap

When pruning a ficus plant, one may encounter sap oozing from the cut stems or branches. This is a natural response of the plant to protect itself and promote healing. However, the sap can be sticky and messy.

To deal with sap, it is advisable to have a damp cloth or paper towel nearby to wipe off any excess sap as you prune. Additionally, if you want to minimize sap production, consider pruning your ficus during its active growth period when the sap flow is less intense.

By being prepared and taking precautions, you can effectively manage the issue of sap while pruning your ficus plant for bushiness.

Ensuring good care after pruning

After pruning your ficus plant, it is important to provide good care to promote healthy growth. Make sure the plant is placed in a suitable location with adequate sunlight and temperature.

Water the plant regularly, but avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot. Additionally, fertilize the plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer every month during its growing season.

Regularly check for pests and diseases, and take appropriate measures if any issues arise. By providing proper care after pruning, you can ensure that your ficus plant remains healthy and continues to thrive.


When should I prune my ficus plant to make it bushy?

Prune your ficus plant in spring or early summer when it is actively growing to encourage a bushier growth.

How much should I trim off when pruning my ficus plant?

When pruning your ficus plant, you can trim off up to one-third of its overall size for a more compact and bushy appearance.

What tools do I need for pruning my ficus plant?

For pruning your ficus plant, you will need clean and sharp gardening shears or scissors to make precise cuts without damaging the branches.

Can I propagate new plants from the pruned branches of my ficus plant?

Yes, you can propagate new plants from the pruned branches of your ficus plant by placing them in water or well-draining soil until they develop roots.


In conclusion, by implementing the essential pruning techniques outlined in this article, you can successfully make your ficus plant bushy. By removing the growth tip, taking node cuttings, notching the stem, and using cloning paste, you can promote side shoots and increase leaf coverage to create a fuller and bushier appearance.

Remember to prune at the right time and provide proper care after pruning for optimal results. Your ficus plant will thank you with lush foliage and an attractive appearance.

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